Christmas Dinner: What to Ask For

Christmas Dinner: What to Ask For

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Christmas is just right around the corner, and I’m thinking of the bacon wrapped stuffed pork loin that is going to be my very own Christmas dinner. I simply can’t wait.

Bacon-Stuffed, Glazed Pork LoinThe savory taste of the bacon, the sweet brown sugar, the juicy lucy that this entree makes, and then?? What to go with it. Sometimes I think, just let me make the whole meal, I don’t want someone without my vision of the dinner to make an inappropriate side, but you know what? At any holiday – all during the year – there just isn’t an inappropriate side. Each dish is made with love, each dish proclaims, this is me, this is what I literally bring to the table.

I DO know I want my own salad, and I’ve been saving some crusty ciabatta bread in the freezer for just this meal. I want some cheese straws before dinner with a great glass of champagne, I look forward to deep, rich espresso at the end of the meal, with someone’s dessert, and it better be something chocolate.

I just thought of this. If I start to run short of time, some crumbly cheese cookies really fill the bill as a great substitute for cheese straws.

2 cups crisped rice, unsweetened
2 cups regular flour
2 cups grated extra sharp cheddar cheese
2 sticks softened butter, (maybe make it 1 ½ sticks)
1 teaspoon red pepper.

Mix all ingredients by hand, form small balls, and place on a cookie sheet. Flatten with a fork. Bake at 375 degrees for 11 to 15 minutes. These are very buttery and fun to make with children.

I just talked myself out of making cheese straws; these are so very simple and still tasty with that champagne or crisp, cold white wine; just the thing to start Christmas dinner.

Big Daddy told me that my Christmas dinner was my gift to him. Wasn’t that a lovely thing to say? His family will be here, my parents and brothers are in Texas, but love travels, it transcends.

I wish you all great meals, great memories to be made, a joyous New Year, closeness at table with family and friends, and most of all…

Blessings and Merry Christmas!

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