Don't Sweat the Stuffed Tomatoes

Don’t Sweat the Stuffed Tomatoes

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A lot of people curse the heat this time of year. I love it; without the heat our tomatoes would never ripen. Tomatoes are in season!!! Pretty soon you’ll have so Ann Hollowell's Stuffed Tomatoes made on The Cooking Ladymany you won’t be able to eat them all… and that is where my Stuffed Tomatoes come in.

Get the tomatoes from your garden – get some of my favorite Arkansas Travellers from your local farmer’s market (here’s a great online resource called to find a farmer’s market near you.) Heck, if you’re reading this in winter get some from the grocery store. Whatever you do, just get some good sized tomatoes and get ready for something tasty.Simple Vinaigrette

Not only are these terrific just out of the oven, my Stuffed Tomatoes are perfect for freezing – just make them to the point just before baking, cover and freeze. During those cold winter months you can pull them out, bake until bubbly and have a taste of the Summer behind you (not to mention a reminder of the delicious Summer only a few months ahead.)

Stuffed Tomatoes
Simple Vinaigrette

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